Sunday, 1 September 2013

Pre-departure Entry

Thoughts about your learning in this module:

I'm thinking that students are a lot more prepared for venturing into other cultures and that there is a lot more information available and disseminated. I also like that there is an awareness of your own cultural bias and less thought that "our way is the right way" - much more sensitivity.

What you are thinking about prior to your departure:

Very confused about the expectations for the two modules INF407 and EEB310. Very frustrated at the fact that the information is not well or properly laid out in the module areas of Interact, that the Subject Overview is unclear and incomplete. Worried that I'll miss something or leave something out.

Any concerns or anxieties that you might have:

How I'm going to manage to take in all the information and ensure that all the questions for the module are addressed both on the intercultural side of things and on the study visit side of things. That I finish all the expected parts of both courses and deliver correctly and on time.

Some thoughts on what you might experience:

Librarians may resent insensitive questions or find the questions very basic and not worth spending time on. It may be difficult to phrase comparative questions based on what we've learnt in such a way that it doesn't appear to be an attack or criticism of the way in which they do things.

How you might respond:

When I feel uncertain I usually clam up and don't ask the questions I'd need to ask. Or if other people do ask the questions I get very nervo

us if I see by the body language that the person who is answering is feeling upset or defensive.

What you might do if you face an uncertain or unfamiliar situation:

Since Singapore is English speaking it would be fairly easy to ask for advice or help.

This is an interesting article on common mistakes foreigners make in Singapore and things to be aware of.

Here is a link to explain the Singapore education system which is useful background reading as we are mainly visiting educational institutions.

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